*If you are experiencing a crisis you can call a free 24/7 helpline providing mental health crisis assistance and access to mental health resources throughout the state of Georgia at 1-800-715-4225 or mygcal.com or call Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) suicidepreventionlifeline.org or in an emergency call 911.

Monday, August 5, 2019

School Counselors' Information

Varner’s Counseling Corner

Wyoka Keaton | 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grade Counselor wyoka.keaton@cobbk12.org   770-222-3778, option 2 
Amy Chupp | Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th Grade Counselor amy.chupp@cobbk12.org   770-222-3778, option 1
If you would like an appointment, please email or call your child’s school counselor. 

We offer Core Curriculum lessons, small group counseling and individual counseling as direct services to our students.  In addition, we support students by consulting with teachers and parents to overcome barriers to learning.

Varner School Counseling Program Vision Statement 
The students of Varner Elementary School will become high academic achievers, positive leaders, effective communicators, cooperative problem-solvers, and respectful, responsible citizens with a strong will to persevere through all obstacles in life.  They will be life-long learners, and beneficial, productive members of society, as they successfully thrive in their college and career pursuits. 

Varner School Counseling Mission 
The Varner School Counseling Program provides a comprehensive counseling program that teaches students the necessary knowledge and skills in the areas of academic achievement, personal / social development, and career exploration skills with a focus on each students’ level and needs.  The program supports all students with overcoming barriers to learning in a positive educational environment to ensure continued success as life-long learners and productive citizens.

Enrollment Please follow this link for enrollment information.  http://www.cobbk12.org/aboutccsd/enrollment/

Follow us on Twitter! @vescounselors 

School Counseling Annual Calendar 2019-2020

School Counseling Annual Calendar 2019-2020

August 2019
       Open House
       Counselor Training Meeting (RTI, Hospital Homebound, Crisis & Safety Protocol, DFCS)
       504 Training
       Welcome Team Training
       Hearing and Vision Training
       Consult with Kiwanis about Terrific Kids Ceremonies
       RTI2 Grade Level Teacher Meetings
       Annual Agreement with Administrators
       Vertical Team Meeting
       RAMP Workshop
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with Parents, Teachers, School Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff, and Family and Community Key Team

September 2019
       CogAT and IOWA Testing
       RAMP Workshop
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

October 2019
       Bullying Awareness – wear BLUE day
       Vertical Team Meeting
       Elementary School Counseling Best Practices Meeting
       Red Ribbon Week
       School Counseling Advisory Board Meeting
       Annual Calvary Children’s Home Food Drive
       Begin Small Groups
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

November 2019
       Thanksgiving Food Baskets from local church
       Organizing Letters to the Troops for the Bert Show
       Coordinating Holiday Assistance
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

December 2019
·       Coordinators for McEachern High School Shop With an Indian
·       Coordinating Holiday Assistance
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with Parents, Teachers, School Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

January 2020
       Professional Learning Day
       Cobb County School Counselor Mini Conference Professional Development
       Coordinating the Terrific Kids Ceremony for good character
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with Parents, Teachers, School Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

February 2020
       Elementary School Counseling Best Practices Meeting
       Career Spotlight & Exploration
       5th Grade Human Growth and Development Program
       Parent Seminar - Human Growth and Development Preview
       Begin 2nd round of Small Groups
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

March 2020
       Vertical Team Meeting
       5th Grade Articulation Tapp Counselor Visit
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Counselor’s Business Meeting
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

April 2020
       School Counseling Advisory Board Meeting
       GA Milestones Testing
       Terrific Kids Ceremony
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

May 2020
       School Counselor Professional Recognition
       5th Grade Articulation Trip to Tapp MS
       5th Grade Record Preparation for Middle School
       RTI End of Year Paperwork and Folder Collection
       Results Reports for Program Goals
       Response to Intervention Meetings
       Counselor’s Business Meeting
       Collaboration with co-Counselor
       Core Team Meeting
       Small Groups
       Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons
       Individual Counseling
       Crisis Intervention and Support
       Consultations and Conferences with  Parents, Teachers, School  Social Worker, and School Psychologist
       SPOT Team, Staff,  and Key Team Meetings(Family /Community and Character-In-Me)

Friday, August 2, 2019

Welcome back students to the 2019-2020 school year!